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Grade 3 E-Class Record (MATATAG) with Automated MPS

Free Downloadable Grade 3 E-Class Record aligned with the MATATAG Curriculum.

Elementary education is crucial to promoting and growing the child as an individual, a member of a family and community, and a learner in school. Developing children for life and learning is based not only on knowledge of children’s developmental milestones but also on the teachers’ understanding of the child’s social, cultural, community, and family backgrounds and the current circumstances in which the child finds himself/herself. These backgrounds lead to diversity in childhood and shape different patterns of development and learning in the child.

“The Grades 1 to 3 Program acts as a stepping stone to formal schooling. This is where students are first introduced to different subjects, using the literacy and numeracy skills they have acquired. What students have learned in Kindergarten to Grade 3, they should be able to use in Grades 4 to 6.”

Thus, at the end of Grade 3, learners are expected to have achieved foundational literacy and numeracy skills, engaged creatively with the arts, learned to appreciate their cultural heritage, and developed socio-emotional skills to navigate and contribute meaningfully to their communities and the wider world.

In Grade 3, there are six learning areas: Filipino, English, Mathematics, Science, GMRC and Makabansa.

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